Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Redundancy Blues ....

No not that sort of redundancy ....

I used to work with files and hierarchical databases on mainframes before I saw the light and chose to focus on relational databases. I was an early adopter and technology convert/evangelist. I can hardly believe that I used to voluntarily read UNIX and RDBMS books as I'm just not that much of a nerd.

Which leads me to the point of this post. One of the big concepts at the heart of RDBMS is the adoption of third normal form (3NF), and one of the key fundamentals of 3NF is that a piece of data should only be stored once and once only (i.e. with zero redundancy).

So I'm happy to report that 20 years down the line we're happily working away with our single 'corporate database' reporting on our 'single version of the truth' becuase it would be mad if we'd just swapped technologies and repeated all the issues we used to have with the legacy technology. Just mad.

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