Monday, November 23, 2009

It progress init!

I currently work for the Department of Hopes and Dreams (not their real name) and like many out there I have to complete a weekly timesheet for project accounting purposes. Whist it's never much fun I recognise that it is a necesary evil.

However my real bugbear here is the timesheet software that we use, let's call it Opacity (again not their real name) which is a commonly used application that has been sold extensively worldwide. Here's the problem.

How many clicks/keystrokes should it take to enter my start time, end times and breaks for 5 days. Have a guess. Maybe 20, 25? Wrong. I counted it this week. It took 73 mouse click and 20 character presses. This raises more questions than answers.

How can anyone write a user interface so bad? How could anyone demo this package and go home and sleep at night? What idiot actually sat through a demo and selected this software?

Answer please on a postcard to ....

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