Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Like many of you I earn my daily bread whilst sitting infront of a PC running Windows XP. I have nothing against XP per se except that it's 9 years old. Almost a decade in the maelstrom of change that is the IT industry is like a century in other professions. So the question I'm asking is why haven't we upgraded to something more modern. Of course the obvious answer is that until the launch of Windows 7 there were no viable alternatives - Vista - you cannot be serious, Linux - too nerdy, etc.

Which brings me to my point. The last time I worked for a company that upgraded all their desktop OS's (in this case a large retail insurance company with 1000 pc's in head office) from Windows 95 to NT the project burned through 8 PM's, blew out from 6 months to 2.5 years and upset just about every employee from financial controller down in the organisation. The IT Director at the time admitted that the desktop o/s rollout caused more anger, bitterness, frustration and confusion in the business than anything she had ever witnessed in her many years in business.

Volunteers for Windows 7 Desktop Rollout please form an orderly line ...

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