Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The next iPhone Killer please stand up

In the movie 'The Right Stuff' there's a scene where the wannabe test pilots enviously discuss Chuck Yeager and how every time a challenger comes along he just suits up and pushes the flight envelope a little bit further.

I think the following list of phones must feel a little bit like those wannabes as, at product launch, each one has been dubbed as a potential iPhone killer:

- Nokia N95
- T-mobile G1
- Blackberry Storm
- HTC Magic
- Palm Pre
- HTC Hero
- Nokia N97
- Motorola Driod
- Google Nexus One

The important thing to understand in their own way each of these phones has had something to offer that was better than the equivalent iPhone it was pitched against, whether that be a improved camera, physical keypad, multitasking, push email, etc. All have tried yet so far none have even come close to usurping Cupertinos touchscreen miracle. You can speculate yourself as to the reasons why.

What must be particularly exasperating for their competitors is how little Apple has actually had to do to stay at the top of the pyramid. In the 3 years since its launch we've seen one case redesign, a couple of processor speed bumps, extra storage, a slight camera improvement and evolutionary software improvements. That's it.

They always say that true greats make everything look simple. I guess you could say the same for Apple and the iPhone.

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