Thursday, February 11, 2010

Master Data Blues

Master Data Management is currently one of the hot topics doing the rounds of Enterprise IT. For those unaware of the concept MDM is basically the storing, either physically or virtually, of all corporate reference data in a single MDM repository. Consultancies love to sell MDM solutions for two reasons:

1) They are quite easy to justify
2) MDM technology, whilst expensive, is available

So in theory we should all be swimming in MDM's by now. I don't know about you but I'm not. In fact a friend of mine became the first and only person I know to land a successful MDM Project.

So if we agree that it's the correct thing to do, and that the technology is available then why don't we see MDM's all around.

Simple really - the business side of MDM is very, very hard so before you begin you'd best make sure that the business understand what they are biting off.

Of course, if we'd kept a tight rein on our corporate IT systems in the first place then we wouldn't need MDM would we!

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