Monday, January 11, 2010

In, out and shake it all about

I read the following article with some amusement especially given that an insurance company I used to work for has recently decided to outsource its IT development function to Accenture. Some good friends I know, many with long service to the company, are being made redundant in February.

There are a couple of juicy quotes from the article that I just cannot resist:

Bringing development back inhouse was "the most efficient model that supports our business" according to a Barclays spokesman.

"Over time you have many services added to original contracts and the total bill rises so much it is better to do it in-house." Claude Roeltgen, CIO at Luxembourg bank BayernLB.

So here we are on at the start of a new decade (technically 2011 not 2010 but lets not be pedentic) and after six years a leading global bank is effectively conceding defeat on its outsourcing model.

For those new to IT this might come as something of a shock. Not to me. Outsourcing is not a new phenomenon. Back in the early 90's it was called Facilities Management. It didn't work then and if you're to believe Barclays it isn't working now.

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