Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Building Tommorow's Legacy Systems Today

I started this blog with the aim of sharing my views and anecdotes regarding the world of IT with anyone out there who might be interested. There isn't any great masterplan or strategy in operation other than I aim at least once a day to post something. As I'll be on holiday until the New Year I figured I'd write this last post of the noughties and pick up the emerging common themes from the last few months?

The most obvious one is the "wasn't everything great in the old days?". That's a real shame because nostalgia shouldn't have a meaningful place in today's IT. As technologists we surely should be looking forwards not backwards. Mostly though the realisation dawning on me is that we've lost a golden opportunity in IT to do something significant. A similar theme is explored in a friend’s blog http://excapite.wordpress.com/2009/12/23/is-the-iphone-really-the-avatar-of-mobile-phones/ which compares advances in cgi technology as compared with IT over the last 15 years.

Why? Lots of reasons I suspect but my endearing hope for the next decade is that we can rediscover just what it was about the world of IT that made it so fresh and exciting twenty years ago. To do that we will have to unload some of the legacy baggage that it holding us back (at a recent expo I saw a quite that some 80% of IT budget was spent on keeping the lights on!). Maybe that will be the real benefit of outsourcing and offshoring. I certainly hope so because I for one am getting a little exasperated "building tomorrow's legacy systems today".

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